•   Impacts to success 
      •  A comfortable and fluent reading enable to head attention to understand the text  so it enables to synthesis the information.
      • Dynamic speed reading , improve the interpretation and reading performance .
      • The experience of reading also improves  the  skill  to causation
      • Provides Motivation and concentration .
      • The speed of the communication between the nerve cells , develop the brain capacity and this is the main factor of learning .
      • Brain  is a organ which develops under enforcing  reading ,research, thinking and  solving problems .  Consequently our brain will rest young and more productive.
    •  Contents of education 
      • Why to read speedy ?
      • What’ your reading speed now ?
      • What are the dynamic speed reading skills you are going to have ?
      • What are the obstacles to read speedy and how we can get off them  ?
      • Could you get enormous information in a short time ?
      • Reading , eye and brain  connection.
      • Right brain – Left brain
      • Why the left brain don’t know what the right brain does ?
      • What are the technics of  reading fast ?
      • Exercises to gain speed and rhytm  to eye on pc . (2 hours)
      • Pre reading exercises.
      • Exercises to get speed and block seeing on pc. (3 hours)
      • How you be a master at  understanding ?
      • Concentrating skill .
      • The methods to be executed under limited  time.
      • To recognize  the unconscious behaviour.
      • To learn how to benefit from our memory .
      • Attention stimulate the memory .
      • Motivation, Concentration, Meditation and reading
      • Reading technics according to type of the text.
      • Comparable reading and evaluation .
      • Short movies for eye and brain .
    •  Time of education and price 

           Duration :  2  days  10:00 – 17:30   Price :   590,00 TL + VAT  (bill excluded stoppage )

    • Price includes  cd – booklet  and cafe breaks .
    • Cancellation up to seven day the payment is not returnable . But the name of the participant can be changed.
    • Dinamik Eğitim & Danışmanlık has the right to cancel or change the time of the seminar.
    • Program duration is  2 days and  the participant is limited by 14 + 1 person . So the reservations will have priority.
    • At the close of seminar a certificate of participant will be arranged.
    • TL Banka hesap No : Garanti bankası Ümitköy Şubesi IBAN TR Ender Balcı   TR17 0006 2000 4830 0006 6169 89

    ‘ To  Register

    Dawnload  power point of Dynamic Speed Reading Ability