Customer & Premium Members

Customer & Premium Members

Asset Analysis

December , 2014

This is a kind of tool that provides  SME to access the information of all  assets  at once . This analysis  enable to obtain all the registirations , insurance policies, certificates, title deeds in detail with a single click and also enables to track all the maturities of tax ,insurance, tüvtürk,emission  etc.  It also provides […]

Fix Cost Analysis

December , 2014

This is a very practical tool for SME’s to control and monitor the fix costs. This analysis indicates  the share of different sorts of fix cost and the trend of them so that the owner/manager of SME can notice the results at once and manage them properly.

Interest Analysis

December , 2014

One of the need of SME’s is to know an approximate financial cost of a credit by time.  Even the credit is a 3 month period interest payment or a spot credit with a certain maturity payment , this is a very important issue for SME to manage the cash flow properly. On the other […]

Insurance policies  are one of the important issues of risk management. SME generally pick up a pair of offers from Incurance companies and make their decision upon the price. On the other hand price is a result of the terms and the quarantees included on a certain insurance policy. BCD enables SME to make a […]

Web Analysis

December , 2014

According to legal rules and also a need for competition SME are obliged to have a website.  On the other hand to get a maximum benefit from this website , site must be monitored and checked by a 3 months  period and a summary of indications must be clear out.  BCD and web business partners […]

Buy-Sell Analysis

December , 2014

SME generally calculating the buying – selling prices and the profitability on a very general base .  On the other hand they can not set the operating costs, financial costs , time costs and etc . exactly.       BCD provides a tool for SME ‘s to develop and make a decision for the price of the […]
