Credit ratings directly effect the economy of the countries and companies both the credibility and the cost of funding. On the other hand the investors appetite of lending capital and  direct investing have a very important effect for a consistent and sustainable economy for emerging countries .

I have noticed in my previous articles . ” Managerial capitalism ” ( Which means the managerial team  of companies behavior is only for their benefit not for the company & country or economy . Just because of this fact they sweep up the realities under the rug and their reports are always dis informing  as happened at Enron & Lehman Brothers. What about the rating institutes of these companies like Standard & Poor.

Anyway as I mentioned above it is still very important the rating institutions reports for investment, funding, cost of funding, and the economies growth.  Lately imperialism  seems to use its power with rating institutes.Rating institutes have a income for their service of rating, it seems that the income serving to imperialism is more profitable than doing their job or they are forced to give subjective reports .By the way the investors income is rising as the rising of interest rates. The rating of Standard  & Poor which contract is abandoned by Turkish Government accepted as vain and noted by all authorities as a snap judgement.

Moodys ve Fitch is acting with a prudent behavior and they seem to wait for FED’s  year end decisions and the possible variances on Turkish economy and policies.

The national contrary of the people and political parties against army coup,  the fault of ignorance of west countries to army coup besides the declaration of hostile assistance , as there are not even a single visit of the west world to Turkey for a recover soon , a rapid decrease of credit rating of the country,  the runners shelter to pkk,  understanding with evidence that CIA  is involved to this army coup, the hospitality and open protection of USA government to the leader of the army coup and EU countries rapid declarations of cancelling the participation of Turkey to European Community and visa liberty are all the concrete evidences of imperialism threat to our nation and government .

From now on as we are not going to be down and isolated from the world as Northern Korea  It’s our duty now to do both the technical and managerial quality , to execute these policies and never give change to imperialism and react carefully for asymmetric information .

These behaviours  and  approaches may be listed under below listed four titles ;


Political risk  İt is needed  to show both to country and to World that  Turkish people and political parties  become as ONE under Atatürk’s national republic philosophy , and this is not only on words but also soul and executions at the same time with a common sense. Yenikapı meeting with over five billion people  excluding hdp  is a proof of being one and the being one soul and also a proof of a new coming understanding of anti imperialism  and accepting this army coup as a warning of disaster. The annoyance of hdp to being one soul, some religious people ” zikir praying”  shows, and some imam walking through some cities are still the hopes for imperialism for future plans.

Law  Excluding the activities against government, country and people, policies  which guarantee  people and companies hard working, producing, developing,exporting  efforts  will be deserved ,appreciated and honored by the government will be an international issue all over  the worldwide investors. Estimations to employ army from imam hatip , liberate and let some religious sectarian to conquer some ministries, let the private sector get some advantages without deserving which capital is only being a partisan are all about the hopes of imperialism for their future plans. While law is the most important capital for foreign investor after money, it is very important for domestic capital means of sustainability , I think it is is very well understand after army coup.

İnvestments have a vital importance for a national economy  while providing a growth of national income on the other side providing wealth and a self  confidence for both individuals and also for companies. It is not possible to provide this self confidence and  courage with a “sadaka ” alm  understanding .

Education from now on must be really national ,we must be succesfull for our children and for our country. Japon government and educational system have no examinations till the child come to ten years old, then what they are teaching for this ten year, the answer is being a good human, respect to human, importance of hard working and loving their country and beloved themselves for their country.  Obeying to rules having a ambition to science are the basic principals for these countries as Finland, Norway,Sweden and Japon. Its also interesting that all these countries  > % 70  population believing deism . We have to build our educational system on a patriotic belowed person , being a good human and hard working. We will never give a privileges to any “ism “or belief  . This is Atatürk’s Turkish Republic philosophy which depends on science ,sense and youth , esspecialy religious, sectarian, cultic, race bases and dominant class effects must be avoided.  Our current system seems to be serving to imperialism. While the poor families hard working succesfull children converted to some religious sectarian member, the lazy and low capacity children converted to pkk – işid terrorists.  Succesfull children of rich families transfer to west countries while the other children are subject to magazine issues.

Because of high population the importance of  emerging countries will never come dawn , Thailand & Turkey army coups are concrete examples. Beside all negative approaches and evaluations it is unthinkable a World and EU  without Turkey.  A possible decrease at economic growth after army coup we will still have the same credit rate as a country that can be invested.

Nowadays SME companies must be care full on 120 receivable  accounts and 320 supplier accounts , related companies to the army coup may be effected from the sanctions and this may cause cash flow problems. Near future needs to be managed, new organized and must be checked  concerning to these issues . Companies experience or self confidence will not be a barrier to take these precautions . Another very important issue is 1/3 rd of revenue must come from exporting, by the way government is planning to bring a green passport for exporters.

BCD is giving support to SME’s with financial evaluations , projects and analysis under this circumstances.